Dental Sealants

Aside from regular oral hygiene and healthy dietary practices at home, sealants are another preventive measure that can be taken to safeguard your child's smile. Milestones Pediatric Dentistry offers dental sealants to help lower the chance of your child developing cavities in the grooves on the chewing surfaces of the teeth.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings that we paint onto the chewing surfaces of premolars and molars. They bond to the tooth structure, forming a barrier that keeps out food debris, plaque, and bacteria. They also leave your child's tooth surfaces smooth and easy to clean, which helps prevent cavities. Dental sealants have been shown to be one of the most effective preventive measures available to lower the risk of tooth decay. They are painless to place, require no local anesthetics, and we can often provide this service in conjunction with your child's dental cleanings or restorative treatment appointments.

How Do Dental Sealants Help?

Let's try a little exercise together. Run your tongue against the top of your teeth. Do you feel those grooves on the chewing surfaces of your premolars and molars? These crevices, known as pits and fissures, trap food particles and plaque bacteria. They are hard to brush clean, especially in children. If these areas are not sealed, your child can be left at risk for tooth decay.

When Should You Have Your Child's Dental Sealants Placed?

Your child's first set of adult molars will start to appear around age 6, and the second set emerges around age 12. We recommend sealing these teeth after they erupt to help minimize the chance of developing tooth decay.

Caring for Dental Sealants

Sealing your child's teeth is not a substitute for proper oral hygiene and dietary practices. Make sure your child brushes at least twice a day and flosses daily. Limit the consumption of sugary and acidic foods and beverages to keep cavities at bay. We strongly advise that your child not eat any sticky candies, including fruit snacks.

Also, don't forget to visit Milestones Pediatric Dentistry for your child's twice-a-year dental exams and cleanings. During check-up appointments, our team will monitor your child's sealants for any signs of damage or wear, and we will provide you with guidance on when to replace them if needed.

Dental Sealants Near Me

Dental Sealants are an excellent investment in your child's oral health. They help prevent tooth decay in conjunction with other preventive measures at home. Ultimately, our team at Milestones Pediatric Dentistry is focused on prevention to maintain a lifetime of healthy smiles.

We invite you to call our Flower Mound office at 469-830-8073 or fill out this form to book your child's appointment today!

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