
If dental decay is left untreated, it can progress towards the tooth's nerve, and your child may begin to experience severe pain. In these situations, Dr. Roshan may recommend a pulpotomy or a "baby root canal" in order to save the tooth and prevent the need for an extraction. With our gentle approach to dentistry, most children do well and are comfortable throughout this procedure.

Why Treat a Damaged Baby Tooth?

Even though baby teeth will eventually exfoliate or fall out, it's essential to keep them healthy while the permanent teeth underneath are developing. Primary teeth hold the space needed for the permanent teeth, provide a guide or path to help them erupt in the correct position, and provide chewing function. Untreated dental decay can lead to a child's unnecessary pain and suffering. In severe cases, the child may develop extensive mouth and facial swelling, requiring emergency care and hospitalization.

What Is the Pulpotomy Procedure?

A pulpotomy or "baby root canal" involves removing the diseased or damaged tooth pulp while leaving the remaining healthy pulp tissue intact. Before a pulpotomy treatment, Dr. Roshan will numb the area in your child's mouth using a local anesthetic. After the pulpotomy is completed, Dr. Roshan will recommend placing a crown over the treated tooth to provide a protective seal and increase the strength of the tooth.

How Can You Safeguard Your Child's Smile?

We recommend maintaining meticulous oral hygiene, which includes regular tooth brushing and flossing. We strongly encourage parents to have an active role in helping their children with oral hygiene practices at home. It is critical to limit your child's consumption of sugary foods and beverages to help lower the risk of developing further tooth decay. It's also important to schedule twice-a-year dental exams and cleanings for your child to monitor existing dental treatments, to review oral hygiene and dietary instructions, and to detect and treat early signs of dental disease.

Pulpotomies Near Me

If your child is complaining of tooth pain, contact Milestones Pediatric Dentistry in Flower Mound, TX, right away. Dr. Roshan will provide your child with relief from dental pain in a caring and comfortable environment.

We invite you to call our Flower Mound office at 469-830-8073 or fill out this form to book your child's appointment today!

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