Sedation Dentistry

At Milestones Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that some of our young patients are anxious about receiving their needed dental care. We believe that a child's dental visit shouldn't be a scary experience, so we've gone to great lengths to provide a range of sedation options in a calm and inviting office setting. Sedation dentistry can allow your child to receive quality care in a safe and comfortable environment.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry involves the use of in-office administered medications to help children relax and more easily tolerate dental procedures. It allows for safe and comfortable care and can lessen the fear of future dental treatments.

When Is Dental Sedation Recommended?

Dental sedation is beneficial to children with high anxiety, a sensitive gag reflex, fear of needles, heightened tooth sensitivity, and an inability to sit still in the dental chair. It is particularly helpful to patients with unique behavioral or cognitive needs, as well as children who need complex or lengthy treatments.

What Are the Types of Dental Sedation?

The following are the types of dental sedation we offer at Milestones Pediatric Dentistry:

Nitrous Oxide: Nitrous oxide is more commonly known as "laughing gas." Here's how the procedure works. Your child will breathe a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a mask placed over the nose. Dr. Roshan and a trained staff member will be in the room with your child. The calming effects will take effect within three to five minutes. Your child will remain awake and responsive throughout the procedure. Once the nitrous oxide has been turned off, the effects will wear off completely, allowing your child to stand and walk independently.

Oral Conscious Sedation: In the case of oral conscious sedation, Dr. Roshan will provide a liquid medication that is administered in the office. We will often supplement this medication with nitrous oxide. Once the dental procedure has been completed, most patients don't remember much of or any of it. We will monitor your child closely in-office until they return to a state that is safe for you to take them home. The effects of oral conscious sedation may take time to wear off completely, so it is critical to monitor your child at home for the remainder of the day.

IV Sedation Dentistry: This form of sedation is ideal for lengthy dental procedures. Our board-certified anesthesiologist and team will administer the sedative through an IV line. During the procedure, the anesthesiologist, Dr. Roshan, and his team will remain in the room. Usually, patients don't remember most of or any of their treatment. Once the dental procedures are completed, your child is awoken and made comfortable in our recovery room until they can be safely taken home. It is critical to monitor your child at home for the remainder of the day.

Hospital Dentistry: Dr. Roshan offers pediatric dental care under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. General anesthesia is administered by a team including a highly trained medical anesthesiologist and nurse anesthetist. Hospital dentistry is usually indicated for children with complex medical conditions or children with extensive and complex behavioral and dental needs. Once your child is discharged from the hospital, often on the same day, it is critical to monitor your child at home for the remainder of that day.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Sedation dentistry is shown to be safe when administered by a qualified and experienced dental and medical provider. We take your child's safety very seriously and have established protocols in place to ensure we are providing the highest quality care possible. During sedation, we closely monitor your child's vital signs, including their heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure. We follow every recommended safety protocol outlined by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners.

Anxiety-Free Dentistry Near Me

Dr. Roshan and his team are committed to providing positive dental experiences early on. Our kid-friendly approach and sedation dentistry options will help keep your child comfortable and relaxed and will lower your stress as a parent. At Milestones Pediatric Dentistry in Flower Mound, TX, safe and gentle dental care is the standard we hold ourselves to.

We invite you to call our Flower Mound office at 469-830-8073 or fill out this form to book your child's appointment today!

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