Fillings & Crowns

Keeping your children's primary teeth healthy will allow them to chew food comfortably without pain, prevent the need for extensive dental treatment, and give them confidence when they smile. If your child suffers from dental decay, the Milestones team will discuss treatment options with you and your child. We will make every effort to restore a damaged tooth. We provide our patients with a range of treatment options, including dental fillings and crowns. Our goal is to restore healthy teeth and happy smiles through outstanding and gentle care.

The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Baby Teeth

Did you know that untreated cavities in baby teeth can harm your child's developing permanent teeth? Extensive cavities can lead to an infection that can spread to the surrounding teeth, bone, and soft tissues. Our goal is to treat dental cavities early on. 

An untreated cavity won't heal itself. It will continue to progress, often leading to more extensive treatments. If the damage is beyond repair, an extraction may be necessary. Premature tooth loss may contribute to concerns with speech development, difficulty eating, and space loss/orthodontic issues for the permanent teeth. Dental pain can affect your child's ability to focus in school, interfere with obtaining adequate sleep, and can affect their overall behavior.

What Is the Dental Filling Procedure?

After Dr. Roshan determines that your child requires a tooth filling, he will administer nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") and a local anesthetic to numb the area. Next, he will remove the decayed and damaged portions of the tooth and place the filling material to seal the space and restore the tooth's form, function, and appearance.

What Are Dental Crowns and When Would Your Child Need One?

If a tooth suffers extensive decay and has insufficient tooth structure remaining to support a large filling, Dr. Roshan may recommend a dental crown. The crown will cover the damaged tooth, restoring its strength and chewing function. Crowns are also used to protect teeth after root canal therapy or pulpotomies and can be used to repair chipped or cracked teeth.

What Are the Types of Pediatric Crowns?

At Milestones Pediatric Dentistry, we offer stainless steel crowns and, in some cases, may recommend zirconia crowns. Dr. Roshan and his team will help you determine the type of crown that's right for your child.

Stainless Steel Crowns: Pediatric stainless steel crowns protect damaged baby teeth and reestablish function until the permanent teeth are ready to erupt. They don't require impressions or molds and can be placed in one short office visit.

Zirconia Crowns: Zirconia crowns are available for use in specific cases for aesthetic purposes, especially when repairing damaged front teeth. The appearance is comparable to natural teeth.

Dental Fillings and Crowns Near Me

At Milestones Pediatric Dentistry in Flower Mound, TX, we strive to maintain optimal dental health to ensure your child's teeth develop in the best way possible. If your child is experiencing tooth decay or damaged teeth, we invite you to call our Flower Mound office at 469-830-8073 or fill out this form to book your child's appointment today!

Schedule Your Child's Appointment

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